Are you rebuilding Ukraine?

Sitelink is available free of charge until December 2026 for all commercial architecture, engineering and construction companies rebuilding Ukraine

Why we are giving access to Sitelink at no charge

We care.

We care for our peers. We have been working with various partners in Ukraine to develop our product. We care for 16 million displaced Ukrainians, some with no home, school, or hospital to come back to.

We care for our families and friends. Some of us at Sitelink have friends and families that have been affected by the war.

So, as a team, we are doing these two things:

  1. Engaging AEC communities in both Ukraine and US by sponsoring the ReUkraine International Forum in Kyiv, on July 28th.

  2. Providing unlimited access to all builders in Ukraine, involved in commercial construction.

We remove every communication roadblock

In times of peace, construction projects go over time and over budget. 48% of that is caused by miscommunication. 16 million displaced Ukrainians don’t have that luxury. That’s why, we’re providing the tools to eliminate misunderstandings between the design teams off-site and builders on-site.

Build fast and right the first time

Ukraine needs solid buildings fast. Yet, rework in construction is astounding, with over 90% of projects going over time and over budget.

Sitelink helps you eliminate rework. By capturing and communicating all the relevant context you need on your walk or inspection, all with one click.

Visualize 3D BIM models and 2D plans onsite, capture existing conditions, measure and annotate, record location-tagged videos and photos, and communicate in a live call.

Keep everyone on the same page

There is global involvement in the rebuilding of Ukraine and not everyone will be able to be onsite.

With Sitelink, everyone from the office can dial in and answer field questions on the spot, with unprecedented engineering-grade visual context, no matter if the team is in several places or several countries at the same time.

Stop the back-and-forth cycle of questions, misunderstanding, and endless follow-ups. Speed up RFI answers and approvals, and prevent costly mistakes.

Project engineers

Project engineers use Sitelink to clearly communicate project issues in one go.

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Who uses Sitelink?

VDC engineers

VDC managers use Sitelink to bring the BIM model to the field to understand the context of their design.

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Office engineers

What Office Engineers use to achieve instant clarity on field issues, changes and updates.

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Superintendents use to access current project documentation on the jobsite, with ease.

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Apply now

How it works:

Fill out the form

Our partner team in Ukraine will schedule the onboarding call in 24h and activate your account.